Submitted by: Betty Gagne, Granite State Ambassador, First in the Nation Class 1999; Customer Service Assistant NH Division of Travel & Tourism Development
Franklin Pierce was the only United States President who hailed from New Hampshire and served as the country’s 14th president. There are several points of interest in NH that relate to Franklin Pierce, including his childhood homestead in Hillsborough, the Pierce Manse in Concord, and his burial site in the Old North Cemetery, also in Concord.
Source: City Profile |
Source: Wikipedia |
Source: Wikipedia |
The Franklin Pierce Burial Site is in the Old North Cemetery in Concord. Pierce is buried there with his wife Jane and two of their sons. The gravesite was refurbished and the deteriorating markers were replaced by a single granite spire with all the names inscribed. The first child was buried elsewhere at the time of death. The burial site sits toward the rear of the graveyard and is marked by a tall marker. There is also an historical marker in the cemetery with more information about Pierce’s life.
A distinguished statue of Franklin Pierce sits proudly on the lawn of the NH State House on Main Street in Concord. The dedication took place on November 25th, 1914. You can learn more about Franklin Pierce’s legacy and see a photo of the statue by visiting the New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources.